Command-Line Help for complate

This document contains the help content for the complate command-line program.

Command Overview:


A rusty text templating application for CLIs.

Usage: complate [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  • man — Renders the manual.
  • autocomplete — Renders shell completion scripts.
  • init — Initializes a dummy default configuration in "./.complate/config.yaml".
  • schema — Renders the configuration schema.
  • render — Renders a template by replacing values as specified by the configuration.
  • -e, --experimental <EXPERIMENTAL> — enables experimental features

complate man

Renders the manual.

Usage: complate man --out <out> --format <format>

  • -o, --out <OUT>

  • -f, --format <FORMAT>

    Possible values: manpages, markdown

complate autocomplete

Renders shell completion scripts.

Usage: complate autocomplete --out <out> --shell <shell>

  • -o, --out <OUT>

  • -s, --shell <SHELL>

    Possible values: bash, zsh, fish, elvish, powershell

complate init

Initializes a dummy default configuration in "./.complate/config.yaml".

Usage: complate init

complate schema

Renders the configuration schema.

Usage: complate schema

complate render

Renders a template by replacing values as specified by the configuration.

Usage: complate render [OPTIONS]

  • -c, --config <CONFIG> — The configuration file to use.

    Default value: ./.complate/config.yaml

  • -t, --template <TEMPLATE> — Specify the template to use from the config and skip it's selection.

  • --trust — Enables the shell command execution. This is potentially insecure and should only be done for trustworthy sources.

  • -l, --loose — Defines that the templating is done in non-strict mode (allow missing value for variable).

  • -b, --backend <BACKEND> — The execution backend (cli=native-terminal, ui=ui emulator in terminal).

    Default value: headless

    Possible values: headless, cli

  • -v, --value <VALUE> — Overrides a certain value definition with a string.

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